Do you ever feel like people look down on people whose parents have split up. I do. My parents have split up, I was 8 and I don't really remember a lot of it only the really bad parts. I remember coming home to a mum with a black eye and a hole in her bedroom door, I remember being taken out of my room because my 'Dad' needed it to store all the stuff that he felt was rightfully his. This included every single picture in the house, the sofas, the television, anything that looked nice. That's not the point, the point is I feel different than those who have parents that are together. I feel more determined to get married to someone I really want, to stand up for myself and to never let anyone walk all over me. I am offended easily but sometimes I really feel like people are looking down on me, I remember a member of my boyfriend's family sitting next to me and saying "It would never have worked with (insert daughter's name) and her boyfriend anyway because he comes from a broken home and she doesn't". Are you fucking kidding me? I sat and said nothing but now I wish I had argued my point, just because your parents split up it doesn't mean you're damaged or broken. Sorry but I have a Step dad and he is the only male role model I've ever had, I wish he was my biological Dad because he does such a better job of it, but even so I must be not as good as someone whose parents are together? No. That's wrong and everyone knows it is. My family are not the most together of people, we don't always see each other and we're not all playing happy familes but we're all happy and we don't think we're better than anyone else.
I was the only person in my year at primary school who had parents going through a divorce and then another girl's parents did the same and I remember the head teacher forcing us together to 'talk' about how we felt. I was 8 years old I had no idea what was going on and in all honesty it didn't really affect me that much, I saw that without my Dad my Mum was so much happier and that's all I wanted, I had always been a Mummy's girl and if she was happy I was. The only way that their divorce affected me was that then I started to see what my Dad was really like, he continued to disappoint me and he still does every day.